So many god awful things have happened, both to me personally and with wide spread events involving things I care about. Just today I saw an absolutely horrific tragedy no one should ever have to, and I don't think I can say anything about it at all. I feel emotions that I both can't put into words and am not sure I want to. I won't ask anyone to pity me for it, just to be understanding about how I feel.
I feel this is a sign. I've allowed my life to go to waste for too long. I HAVE to succeed now, I can't allow my suffering to be in vain. I need to prove that my stupid life was worth something. Whether or not you're interested in me, I'd appreciate if you stood by my side regardless.
I WILL become a successful artist. Failure is no longer an option at this point.
...Uh, yeah sorry 'bout that. I needed to let that one out.
Again, not asking for money or pity, nothing other than just your time.
well I am sorry man well if you need somebody to talk to well you can talk to me but well is everything alright
I'm sure I can make it through this, but your consideration is important to me nonetheless.